Youth and Children’s Ministry
1st Saturday of the month at 5:30pm
As part of our family service that we hold on the first Saturday of each month at 5:30pm, we are encouraging more and more children and youth to take on roles within the service, and after the service while the BBQ is cooking, we will be offering craft activities, music jam session, and XBOX on the big screen for the all the kids to join together and have some fun, while parents are invited to  spend some time around the BBQ connecting as well. When the cook is done, we join all together over a sausage sizzle. We try to end the night around 7pm. This will then allow all families to have the opportunity to worship, have fun and eat together with others in fellowship.
Op Shop Operating Hours
Tuesdays & Thursdays – 9:00am – 2:00pm
Wednesdays & Saturdays – 8:30am to 1:00pm
Teddy Bear’s Picnic
Last Sunday of May at 11:00am
To help you celebrate your Baptism every year, you and your “Prayer” Bear (or any of your Teddy bear’s from home) are invited to a Teddy’s Picnic at St John’s Anglican Church, Mundoolun to join others who are part of God’s loving family.
Bring your Bear, rug/chair and family/friends and enjoy a great day out.Â
For more info email:

Family Fun Days
A chance to celebrate our parish family and meet new people.
Lots of fun activities to keep every member of the family entertained.
Activities range from picnics in the park, movies, motor racing, putt putt, bond fires and more.

Friday Social Lunch
Every second Friday of the month at 12:00 for bookings or to find out the next venue please contact our office.