Baptism is the way:
† we become members of the Christian church
† God adopts us as his children
† God gives us the gifts of eternal life and the Holy Spirit
† we begin our life of knowing, loving and serving God.
Parents and godparents, but especially parents, have a very important role in the baptism service as they make certain commitments to God. These are to:
† pray for your child
† help your child to learn about God and come to know God

† help your child to be a worshiping Christian and an active member of the church.
As parents and godparents make statements about their faith and make commitments on behalf of their child or godchild, it is vital for at least one of the parents to be a baptized member (preferably confirmed member) of the Christian Faith and for all the godparents to be baptized members. If parents are not baptized or if they are baptized but not confirmed we can help that to happen.
There is no fee for baptism but if you would like to make a donation to thank God for the blessing of your child this donation will be greatly appreciated.
Baptisms happen once a month in one of the main church services. These are Sunday mornings, the third Sunday of the month at St James, Jimboomba at 8:30am or the second Sunday of the month at St John’s, Mundoolun at 10:30am.
For bookings or availability, please contact the parish office by email: askus@jimboombaanglican.org.au or phone 07 5546 0644.